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New study reveals instant messaging services are key for SMEs to thrive post Covid-19

Nov 10, 2020
  • Yell Business has released findings of a new report showing over half (53%) of SMEs state that instant messaging is key for business success post Covid-19
  • Over three quarters (76%) of businesses have introduced new ways of communicating with their customers as a result of the pandemic
  • 76% of businesses have introduced a new service as a result of Covid-19
  • 71% of SME owners are optimistic about the success of their business in 2021
November 2020: Yell Business has today released new research into how small businesses have adapted to survive in light of Covid-19 and how the pandemic is changing the way businesses and consumers communicate.

The new study reveals the scale of the challenge business owners have faced in recent months with three quarters (76%) of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) introducing a new service as a result of Covid-19. Of those SMEs introducing new services:

  • 34% started doing online video consultations or viewings
  • 32% have started taking online bookings
  • 25% introduced contactless payment systems
  • 25% started home delivery services
Over half (52%) of businesses who introduced a new service said it was crucial for them to be able to survive the pandemic, with 88% of businesses stating they plan on continuing the service post Covid-19.

Who’s getting the message?

The research also identified how the global pandemic has accelerated changes in the ways businesses are communicating with their customers. Over three quarters (76%) of SMEs have introduced new ways of communicating in 2020 with instant messaging platforms coming to the fore. Over one in five (21%) have started using WhatsApp and 20% have started using online video calling to communicate with customers. 17% of SMEs have started texting their customers for the first time whilst 9% have implemented chatbots.

While a phone call and email are still ingrained as the most popular communication methods for SMEs and consumers alike, the most effective marketing communication tool used by businesses during the pandemic was found to be a Facebook page. When asked whether the tool had been either ‘very’ or ‘somewhat’ effective since March’s national lockdown, 51% of businesses stated that it had. Text messaging (50%), email newsletters (48%), Facebook Messenger (47%), WhatsApp (46%) and an Instagram account (43%) followed.

Getting the message in an instant

The emergence of instant messaging tools such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and other social messaging platforms as vital communication tools for businesses was identified in the research. Over half (53%) of SMEs surveyed said that instant messaging is key for business success post Covid-19, whilst 39% stated they had seen an uplift in enquiries thanks to using instant messaging services during the pandemic. 38% said that they had seen increased customer satisfaction and 33% saw an uplift in repeat business.

Choosing the correct channel to communicate with customers was found to have far reaching benefits for businesses too. Yell’s research revealed that over a third (36%) of consumers would be more likely to buy from a business that communicated with them on their preferred channel. 28% of consumers would be more likely to recommend the business to a friend and 24% would be more likely to spend more with that business. Conversely, if an SME communicated with a customer on the wrong channel, 37% of consumers wouldn’t use that business again and 18% would even leave a bad review for the business.

Optimism in the face of adversity

Despite the challenges brought on by Covid-19, businesses remain positive for the future. 71% of SME owners state that they are optimistic about the success of their business in 2021 and, on average, 71% of SMEs said they were more prepared to deal with another lockdown.

Claire Miles, Chief Executive Officer of Yell commented:

The last six months have been incredibly tough for small businesses across the country but it’s heartening to see that the majority of SMEs remain optimistic in the face of adversity. Our diverse local businesses are the cornerstones of community, which is why it’s crucial that now, more than ever, Yell continues to champion small businesses and provide the digital tools and insights needed for them to thrive.

Our research highlights not only the sheer adaptability of SMEs but also their determination to find the right way to communicate change to their existing and potential customers. It’s clear that during these uncertain times, instant messaging services have been a lifeline to businesses who have had to adapt and adjust their models quickly. Instant messaging facilitates timely and conversational communication between businesses and consumers and as the findings show, many SMEs will still be relying on these services to succeed post pandemic."

To access further stats from the study and get tips and advice from Yell Business on how to communicate effectively with customers, please visit:
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Notes to editors


Survey of 1,006 SME owners conducted in September 2020 by Censuswide on behalf of Yell Business.

Consumer survey conducted in September 2020 by Censuswide on behalf of Yell Business to 2,009 UK residents aged 16 and above.


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27 Aug, 2024
New research by driving experts at Yell has revealed the UK’s top 10 speed camera hotspots and which regions are catching drivers out this summer. Looking at police records from every county across the UK between the periods of July 2023 and August 2023, the experts at Yell have revealed that Surrey takes the top spot for the most speeding violations in the UK with 22,811 between July and August 2023. In 2023, 203,801 people were found guilty of a speed limit offence - this is a decrease of 8% when compared to the previous year, but an increase of 85% since 2011. Across the UK, there are now around 7000 cameras on the road networks, catching drivers out across the country - from speeding violations to using a phone whilst driving, or parking illegally. Below, the driving experts at Yell have identified the top ten speed camera capitals in Britain: Top 10 UK regions with the highest number of speeding offences The UK’s number one speeding hotspot in the UK is Surrey with 22,811 speeding violations between July-August 2023 . Within Surrey, the speed camera hotspot that has been catching the most drivers on the road is the M25/M3 Junction. The location coming in second for the most speeding violations is West Mercia. West Mercia saw 21,266 speeding violations in the period of July-August 2023, with the M5 J8 SB speed camera catching the most speeding violations. The location coming in third highest for speeding violations is Nottinghamshire, with 16,400 violations being caught. The M1 North Bound between Junction 26 and 27, Notts has been identified as the location that catches the most speeding violations in Nottinghamshire between July-August 2023.
01 Jul, 2024
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07 Jun, 2024
Research by Yell has found that Londoners are paying the highest rates to visit a hairdresser in the UK. The average price in the city is 42% above the UK national average of £130. Data reveals that the average cost across the UK to get a wash, cut and blow dry in 2024 is £48, whilst the average cost of the same treatment plus a colour service now sits at £130. Rising energy and business costs in 2024 have seen hairdressers' costs increase by over 20%. As salons try to recoup these costs, it’s been reported that over 64% will increase their prices over the next 3 months. In the third quarter of 2023 alone, Brits spent around £1.7 billion in the industry which had a value of £4.3 billion by the end of the year. With this in mind, looking at the most popular hairdressing services across the UK, hairdressing experts at Yell have identified the UK regions that are paying the most to visit a hairdresser in 2024. The Cost of Hairdressing Services by UK Region As Brits head off on their summer holidays, search demand for hairdressing services is on the rise. Besides December, the summer months between June and August see the biggest spike in searches for “haircuts near me” across the UK. Searches go from an average of 4,600 searches to 6,181 per month through the summer months. Searches for “hair colouring near me” also see an annual spike between June and August, jumping to 1,000 per month compared to 800, on average, at any other time of year. The team at Yell have looked into the most commonly asked-for hair services, taking into account the costs of a wash, cut and blow dry service, as well as the costs of a colour service. By combining the average costs of both of these services, they have revealed the highest and lowest-paying cities for both the combined service and the stand-alone services. Data reveals that the UK's average cost to wash, cut and blow dry in 2024 is £48, whilst the average cost of the same treatment plus a colour service now sits at £130. London was revealed to be the highest paying region for a wash, cut and blow dry plus a colour service. The average price in London is £184 which is 42% higher than the UK national average cost of £130. Coming in second was Glasgow, paying an average of £159 for a wash, cut and blow dry plus a colour service, which is 22% above the national average. Coming in third highest is Brighton, paying £155 which is 19% above the national average for a wash, cut and blow dry plus a colour service. The joint lowest-paying regions are Manchester and Nottingham, costing an average of £101, which is 22% below the national average.
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